Change Your Life ~ What to Expect from a Coach

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Why Hire A Life Coach?

photo of Nancy (Ayanna) Wyatt

In part, that depends on what you want to solve by hiring a Life Coach. Each Coach is different, and each client is different. In fact, the same Client may have different needs, as they grow and learn. There are several main categories. For example, you might choose to Change Your Life

  • Habits
  • Career
  • Health
  • Relationships
  • Spiritual Practices
  • Stress or PTSD/Trauma Symptoms.

Maybe you have suffered a great loss.

Maybe you’re just in transition as you Age to a new Stage!

If you hire me, as your Change Your Life Coach, here’s what you should expect and what you’ll get for your investment of time and money.

What Should You Expect from Me as Your Life Coach?

figure drawing goals

  1. You should expect the highest degree of ethics and confidentiality, per the Change Your Life Code of Ethics.
  2. You may expect both of us to live up to the terms of the Change Your Life Coaching Agreement. This agreement can be customized if the template does not meet our mutual needs, and we would discuss this in the free initial consultation.
  3. Below, I have provided a chart to show you the kinds of things we might explore in our work together.
    1. There are more categories and more options. I just want to give you a sense of things to consider in deciding what you want to do.
    2. I’ll be happy to answer questions during the free 30-minute consultation we’ll have in person or on Zoom to decide if we’re a good match for meeting your needs.
  4. You will be able to choose individual sessions or Change Your Life Packages to save money while you invest in yourself. (See chart at the end of this page)

A Coach is Not a Counselor

figures of a counselor in a chair counseling a client(But we can mix and match if we want to.) What’s the difference? What we do in coaching is offer guidance in resolving “Real Life Issues” while maintaining spiritual and ethical integrity in relation to others and to the Self.

In spiritual counseling, we explore the underlying causes of problems and find stress reduction and creative options for change that will enhance health in body, mind, spirit, and emotions.

It’s All About You!

Again, these are just some possibilities. I also may refer you to others. Whatever we do will be customized just for you as an individual or as the group that hired me. It will be fun, fascinating, irritating, and beneficial. There will be times you love me and, perhaps, times you hate me; but we’ll always seek the Highest Good For All Concerned. Below the pricing schedule, you’ll have an opportunity to book a FREE chat with me to see if we’re a good match.

Change Your Life Price List

Shall We Chat First in a Sip & Share Session on Zoom?

I hope this has been helpful to you. Feel free to take advantage of my free initial consultation to see how best I can meet your needs. Email me at and put “Request Sip & Share Session” in the subject line. In the body of your email, let me know what kind of topic you want to discuss. We’ll coordinate schedules, and I’ll create a link for you to click on to join me in the Zoom session. The first one is FREE and lasts about 30 minutes. I look forward to talking with you!

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Let’s Get Well, Stay Well, Live Well, and Change Your Life Together!

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