Food Combos ~ Do Your Habits Hurt or Enhance Your Health?

Proper Food Combos Help You Lose Weight and Avoid Cravings!

What is wrong with these beautiful pictures by “tookapic” and by Rita E? Look at these food combinations that we love so veddy, veddy much!

steak and French fries = poor food combos food combos - eggs and potatoes = war

The bottom line is that proteins and carbohydrates require different (and opposing) enzymes and digestive “juices” to digest your food! So, when you eat a typical American meal,  you have just created a war in your stomach!


Picnic: barbequed chicken, hot dogs and hamburgers (protein) with buns (carbs); baked beans (protein) and potato salad (carbs). Deviled eggs (protein) and watermelon (carbohydrates).

Another No-No

We often eat watermelon last even though it takes only about 20 minutes to go through the system, whereas those first items can take hours. That means the watermelon is “all backed up” and fermenting while it awaits the digestion of the first items, and the first items require opposing enzymes and juices, so they are at war.


Worse Still…

carbonated soft drinks

We’re not even going to talk about carbonated, sugary drinks! They contain CO2 bubbles that decrease the pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter and the muscles at the bottom of the esophagus where it meets the stomach, causing acid reflux and heartburn! Let’s stick with food examples.

More Examples

Breakfast: eggs and toast; milk and cereal; pancakes and sausage.pancakes and sausage = bad food combos

Lunch: a bread or bun sandwich with meat in it. A burger and fries.bad food combos = hamburger and fries

Thanksgiving turkey, combined with sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, bread-based stuffing, and cranberry sauce…not to mention dessert(s)…

plate of Thanksgiving dinner

You get the gist. Almost everything we eat – in the way that we eat it in America – is counter to good health and digestion. Lots of our food also contains sugars (syrup, catsup, dressings and sauces of all kinds), and an overdose of salt.

Oh, But It Tastes So Good, and I Get Cravings!

That is true. We love those food combos. Thus, expressions like “I’m having a Bic Mac Attack,” are familiar and understood by most.


~ we may love those food combos literally more than life! ~

We eat them despite knowing they, in fact, are inflammatory, counter good health, and can lead to death from things like clogged arteries, heart attacks, etc.

So, although we love them, it is in our self-interest to change what we put into our bodies. We can eat many of our favorite food items. We just need to combine them differently in each meal.

Tips That Might Help You

In that vein, here is my companion article on how to go “From Cravings to  Conquest – Food & NLP.” That post gives you techniques to ready your mind and feelings as a first stage toward changing eating habits. It falls into the category of ‘you must WANT to make a change in order to change.’

Food Combining

The simplest way I can describe it is to suggest you eat:

meat and vegetables

Protein and Vegetables together, OR

pasta (carbohydrates) and vegetables

Carbohydrates and Vegetables together, BUT NOT

burger + fries = protein + carbs

Proteins and Carbohydrates together.

AND, eat fruit separately!


I KNOW! I KNOW! I KNOW!  We LOVE those foods together.

Just sayin’ – if you want to be slim and healthy, less gassy and bloated, and less prone to inflammation and diseases, you now know what to do!

Therefore, comma, let’s learn more about food combinations. Here is a quote from a website I encourage you to explore:

Alkaline Versus Acidic Foods

alkaline versus acidic food chart

One related topic is about Alkaline versus Acidic foods. That is an entire field of study in itself and is a blog unto itselflaughing smiley face with tongue stuck out.   Click Here  to read one of those blogs and learn why you should care about your choices. Now, we can move to more on the meat of the subject (pardon the pun).

Click Here to learn about eliminating inflammation as relates to food intake.

It’s Not Just Food Combos That Count

Dr. Joel Fuhrman Presents on PBS

Many of you are familiar with his work and his book, Eat to Live. His emphasis is on phytonutrients.

I can attest to the fact that, when I do eat a meal, that is replete with phytonutrients, I am able to escape cravings – even while binge-watching televisions shows or movies!

If I use proper food combining and do NOT eat proteins and carbohydrates in the same meal, I have more energy, am less bloated, and digestion proceeds correctly.

WebMD has guidance on the subject.

phytonutrient-rich foods

Dr. Fuhrman has created a “Nutritarian” diet.

What is a Nutritarian diet?

This nutrient-rich, plant-based diet is based on the following principles:

This eating style focuses on the nutrient-rich foods that unleash the body’s tremendous ability to heal, achieve optimal weight, and slow the aging process.

Eat mostly plants means only eat animal products in small amounts, if any, such as meat, fish, dairy, and eggs

Whole food describes natural foods that are not heavily processed. Basically, the majority of our diet is made up of fresh and clean produce rather than food that comes out of a package.

No S.O.S means that we don’t add salt, oil, or sugar to our recipes or to our prepared food, because these ingredients have been shown to have a negative impact on our health. When we eat the whole nut over just the processed oil, we are eating the fiber and protective nutrients too!

I hope these concepts and resources for further exploration are helpful. Your feedback is welcome.

I am not a nutritionist, so don’t ask me for that kind of information or advice. However, I am certified in hypnotherapy and in NLP.

Questions? Contact Me for a Free Q & A Session

Nancy Ayanna Wyatt Loves Healy for Arthritis Pain ReductionI am not a nutritionist, so don’t ask me questions about food as relates to health. Go to the experts to learn more about that aspect. However, I am certified in hypnosis and in Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) both of which offer tools that may to help you want to make changes that enhance your health and well-being.

Please contact me for a free initial consultation (15 – 30 minutes)if you have questions about this. Contact me also if you would like to book one or more sessions (or to put me on retainer for several). is the best email address. Please put NLP (or Hypnosis) Inquiry into the subject line, so your email comes to my attention out of the thousands I get!

DISCLAIMER:  Neither I nor this website makes any claims about prevention, diagnosis, treatment, or cure for physical illnesses or symptoms. I am merely recounting my own experiences or sharing content from experts. This material is for informational and educational purposes and does not provide individual medical advice. Contact your health provider with any questions about your situation and any products you choose to use.

FDA DISCLAIMER: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA ( Food and Drug Administration). The information shared on this site is intended for educational purposes only. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Anyone suffering from any disease, illness, or injury should consult with a physician.

Let’s Get Well, Stay Well, and Live Well

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