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Hypnotherapy and HypnoMeditations!

They work, and it is fun!

photo of Nancy (Ayanna) WyattHello, People! I am certified by the National Association of Transpersonal Hypnotherapists (NATH)  as a Transpersonal Hypnotherapist, at the Master Level. As a bonus, I can customize HypnoMeditations for YOU to use at home.

Note: we can communicate via email,  Zoom, or by telephone, even though I like “in-person” better.

I’m also certified as a Life Coach by Peter Woodbury, who is a psychotherapist and hypnotherapist, at the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.).

Dr. Yvonne Oswald, award-winning, best-selling author of Every Word Has Power, certified me in Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP). It is a tool that often is incorporated into Transpersonal Hypnotherapy. However, NLP has its own page.

This page is just about Transpersonal Hypnotherapy and HypnoMeditations designed to meet your needs. If you want to know more about my additional certifications, Click Here.

So What? AND

What Does Going to a Master Transpersonal Hypnotherapist Mean?

Counseling a HypnoTherapy Client who is reclining on a couch.It means that, after we agree on what you want to do, I can offer positive suggestions to you under hypnosis. I also am certified to guide you through “regression” hypnosis. Regression leads you into past experiences and might uncover what is causing current emotional or life situation difficulties.

group of figures talking while seated in a circleNote: unlike many practitioners, I am not into “parlor games” or doing regression therapy (into childhood or “past lives”) for fun.

seated hypnotherapist and client on chaise lounge under hypnosisI use it as a tool to help people uncover and release deep-seated memories or emotions. We seek self-development and improvement in life situations.

Therefore, I, typically, will not use regression in the earliest sessions. You need to be emotionally ready to handle whatever comes to the forefront of consciousness. However, comma, memories may arise spontaneously; and, if they do, we shall use them for your benefit.

If you specifically request regression therapy, I will discuss that with you, and we will decide how soon to do that kind of work.

We can use Transpersonal Hypnotherapy either in Life Coaching or Spiritual Counseling sessions. Click Here to learn the difference. We also can use it whenever and however we want to without doing either Life Coaching or Spiritual Counseling!

Smiley Face laughingWE ARE THE BOSS OF IT!

Girl Meditating on Beach Self-Hypnosis

Note: all hypnosis is self-hypnosis, which simply means the person has reached a state of deep relaxation. It is NOT scary.

You may think you CANNOT be hypnotized. SURPRISE! You reach that ‘trance’ state daily.

zen picture of green bamboo stalks, black stones, purple orchid, white candles and a white folded towel - spa likeIn hypnotherapy, you consciously choose to enter those states.  But, in fact, you actually enter those states every day and night of your life! They are very similar to the “Twilight Zone” we all enter as we’re about to fall asleep or awaken.

It’s also similar to when we “zone out” while looking at a sunset or a fire in the fireplace. It simply means our brainwaves have slowed down from the normal pace of logical thinking and physical action to a state of calm rest.

Hypnosis is the state of mind and restful consciousness that allows expanded awareness and greater insights into resolving issues, such as fears, phobias, limiting beliefs, and/or simply feeling “stuck.” Maybe you are concerned about smoking, weight release, or procrastination. You could be going through a divorce or other relationship issues with family members. Perhaps you have to give a speech, and speaking in public terrifies you. Maybe, you simply want to expand your personal, business, or spiritual growth to new levels.

How Does A Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Session Work?

First, You Want To Know About Cost, Right?


A) You get an initial FREE consultation of about 30 minutes.

B) MANY hours of work are required of me for Hypnotherapy clients. However, I charge you only for the consultation time we spend together (plus travel, if required).

C) You have options. The rates are standard for an individual session, but they are reduced if you purchase “packages” of multiple sessions. You may be eligible for my VIP  Client discount or for discounts I offer to specific groups or categories of clients.

D) Ask me.

Step One

2 figures talking and drinking coffee at a small, purple bistro table

A client (like you) contacts me, and we have a brief (FREE) conversation to determine whether we would like to spend time together working on the issue(s) at hand. All information is held in strict confidence. I adhere to a strict, ethical code like those of counselors, lawyers, and physicians.

Step Two

hand of women hold pen prepared for write on notebook nest to keyboard

  • In the first meeting, you will provide more in-depth information about yourself and the issues we shall address.
  • I may have asked for a hand-written, unedited description of a problem before we met in the first session. (Grammar and spelling don’t count at all. I don’t care whether you write well. I am looking for your thoughts and feelings only.)
  • This helps us prioritize.
  • It also helps me customize a HypnoMeditation for you to take home. We would review the contents of your writing sample in our initial session and then go into more depth.

Next, we

  • Choose the order of your priorities because Hypnotherapy addresses only one concern at a time.
  • Use that priority throughout our session, during which we explore both the problems and suggested solutions further.
  • Agree, in advance, on the kinds of words you want me to use in the hypnosis.

Step Three

seated hypnotherapist and client on chaise lounge under hypnosis

At least one follow-up appointment is required because I shall use the information from our first get-acquainted meeting to conduct the hypnotherapy session in the second and any future phases. In that process, I shall customize a meditation for you to use at home. (Click on the sample below to hear the “Abundance and Right Work” HypnoMeditation.)

Step Four

More sessions are scheduled, as desired by the client. Note: again, only one issue can be addressed at a time in these kinds of modalities. Thus, people often want to move to the next one, as they “peel the onion.”

Recorded HypnoMeditations

Stacked rocks on waterIn case you have not seen my page about Meditation and HypnoMeditations, I repeat here that you now have the opportunity to subscribe to my original creations of “HypnoMeditations.” They are beautiful, self-hypnosis meditations that help you overcome fears, limiting beliefs, unwanted habits, and more. They are designed to assist you in attracting good things in your life and in fulfilling your dreams.

The monthly subscription will provide you with a new meditation once a month, on a variety of subjects. The cost is only $8.00 (U.S. dollars)!

Sample HypnoMeditation ~ Abundance and Right Work

gold and black medallion with words "Hot Offers"

Here is a sample (in DropBox) of my HypnoMeditation about finding Abundance and Right Work, and comments from one of my Transpersonal Hypnotherapy mentors.

Beautiful work! Beautiful! Nancy I loved the script.  Deeply Spiritual! …. It is just wonderful. Your voice and music are soothing and (the) script is a spiritual experience!

Green feedback button on keyboard close-upTo those of you reading this on my website, I would greatly appreciate your giving me feedback and comments about it. I have not had time to get to a professional recording studio yet, but this gives you the idea.

You should listen to it, lying down, in a completely restful place, for about 20 minutes. If you like it and want to hear more HypnoMeditations on other subjects, let me know. Of course, you also can contact me separately to ask that I design something specifically for your needs. I will not share your contact information.

figures of people sitting in a circleYou don’t have to book a hypnotherapy session if you don’t want to. I still can create affirmations, visualizations, and meditations, customized for you. I also teach classes (for individuals or groups) in meditation, metaphysics, complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) (holistic healing), and several other unrelated topics.

Do You Want a FREE Sip & Share Session First?

Shall we schedule a talk about your situation first to create something lovely just for you? Email me at MyGetWellGuru@gmail.com and put “Inquiry About Sip & Share + HypnoMeditation” in the subject line.

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Let’s Get Well, Stay Well, and Live Well!

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