Brainwaves & Consciousness Levels

Brainwaves & Consciousness Levels

~ NLP & Hypnotherapy ~

Hello, People! I am posting this video about Brainwaves & Consciousness Levels, which describes different levels of consciousness and different functions of the human brain…as they relate to experiencing NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming) and Transpersonal Hypnotherapy techniques for releasing fears, phobias, limiting beliefs, poor self-esteem, and more.

Topics Under Brainwaves & Consciousness Levels Include

Levels of Consciousness include: Super Conscious Mind; Collective Unconscious Mind; Sub Conscious Mind and Conscious Mind.

Levels of Brain include; reptilian, limbic, and neo-cortex.

Brainwaves, Levels of Consciousness, Telepathy

Click on this link to view video:  Brain & Consciousness

I hope you enjoy this explanation of how things work and that you contact me with questions or to schedule a session!

Let’s Get Well, Stay Well, and Live Well!



My Get Well Guru FB Page

My Get Well Guru FB Page

 Great Articles / Quick Tips / Reliable Sources

aromatherapy candle and bright orchid on zen stones

I’ve just created a new page where I can post all kinds of health, wellness, beauty, and meditation tips. Go to: My Get Well Guru FB Page.  Please go there and Like / Follow it, so that you can see all kinds of short suggestions, versus the long blogs I do here for My Get Well Guru.

I’ll be posting things like the wonderful research about health benefits of various herbs, foods, teas, etc., from the Medical Medium, who is a really amazing guy and provides invaluable information in easy-to-understand terms.  This is just one example of the kinds of resources to which I shall direct you.

All the sources are ones I trust or find worthy of further research; and I have used any of the products and services that I provide.

Let’s Get Well, Stay Well, and Live Well!

Emotional Freedom Technique – Tapping

Tapping (EFT) Coming Soon!


Tapping  = The  Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

Hello, People!

Are you familiar with the “Tapping” (Emotional Freedom Technique –  EFT)  phenomenon?  This is a semi-miraculous, ritualized, way of “tapping” with your fingers on acupressure points on your body, while speaking about topics that have caused issues for you in areas such as health, financial circumstances, emotional pain, or some other theme.

For a more formal definition, here’s one from the ever-present Wikipedia:  “Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is a form of counseling intervention that draws on various theories of alternative medicine including acupuncture, neuro-linguistic programming, energy medicine, and Thought Field Therapy.  During an EFT session, the client will focus on a specific issue while tapping on “end points of the body’s energy meridians.”

The EFT Tapping Process   For those of you who are unfamiliar, here are the steps.  First, you identify the concern and pay concentrated attention to the sensations that arise, as your mind thinks about the issue and the emotions begin to be expressed in the body.  You might feel tightness, fear, pain, or any number of things.  As you experience whatever the body is communicating to you, you acknowledge it and assign it a number – between 1 and 10 – to describe the intensity of those feelings as you think about the problem.

You then state (usually aloud) that – in spite of this difficulty – you love and approve of yourself.  You do this three times, while tapping on the appropriate acupressure point.  (In this case, it is called the karate chop point.)  After that portion of the technique Is done, you go through a series of tapping points, using different words to overcome the feelings associated with that issue.  During the process, you stop periodically, to “check in” with your body and see if the sensations have changed.  You then re-assign a number between 1 and 10, if the intensity has transformed.  Often the number has gone from 10 to a very low number or to 0 after just a few minutes of this exercise; and the issue becomes resolved.

SOUNDS CUCKOO, DOESN’T IT?!!  But, guess what!  IT WORKS

Here is a link where you can learn much more and get testimonials about how great it is:

So, why am I blogging about Tapping / EFT?  The answer is……..drum roll, please……..because I often do not like the words I hear being used to resolve the issues.  I think  the words – which are creating a new reality for you – need to be carefully chosen, so as to create the most healthful outcomes: mental, physical, and spiritual.

Consequently, I have decided to create some” tapping scripts on a wide variety of subjects.”  I’ll give a good sample on the website for free; and, if you like the sample, you can get more on my upcoming 8 For 8 program.  (Under many of my posts, I’ll be offering 8 something or others for $8…. In this case, 8 carefully crafted and tested scripts for $8.  Another example would be 8 short speeches (like wedding or retirement toasts) for $8).  So, stay tuned.  Tapping Scripts will soon be available and will focus on abundance, health resolutions, overcoming broken hearts or loss of loved ones, and more!    If you are interested, be sure to send me your name and email address; or, sign up when that opt in segment is added to my new website

Let’s Get Well, Stay Well, and Live Well!

Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Forms of Dementia

BrainNormal Brain     Is it really Alzheimer’s Disease or a different issue?

 What does your brain look like? 

What can  you do to maintain good brain health? 

The Alzheimer’s Association

There are many resources and options available now as our scientists learn more and more daily.  I believe in advocacy on a number of social issues, of which this is one.  I learn a lot from the Alzheimer’s Association and so can you at:   (

That is a link to their website where you can take a tour of the brain! 

You don’t have to have Alzheimer’s to find this fascinating as it shows you how the brain works in a way that you can see and understand it.  To learn more about the disease, itself, you can visit this part of their website:

For Wikipedia’s definition of Alzheimer’s Disease, see this link:

Alzheimer’s disease (AD), also known in medical literature as Alzheimer disease, is the most common form of dementia. There is no cure for the disease, which worsens as it progresses, and eventually leads to death. It was first described by German psychiatrist and neuropathologist Alois Alzheimer in 1906 and was named after him.[1] Most often, AD is diagnosed in people over 65 years of age,[2] although the less-prevalent early-onset Alzheimer’s can occur much earlier. In 2006, there were 26.6 million sufferers worldwide. Alzheimer’s is predicted to affect 1 in 85 people globally by 2050.[3]

Here is another link, from the National Institutes of Health and National Institute on Aging:

What I hope to accomplish with blogs about Alzheimer’s Disease is to teach people about the disease, as well as how to cope with it or to provide care to others who experience it.

Let’s Get Well, Stay Well and Live Well!