SoftWave Pain Treatments

We're Highly Recommended by Locals on AlignableSoftWave Technology – for Pain Relief and Health Benefits

emoji of happy face with party hat and streamersImagine having a painful injury or deteriorating joints but not needing medications or surgery to repair or replace your body parts!

SoftWave therapy has been successful in treating common conditions associated with joint deterioration, as well as dance, athletic, and other injuries, quickly, easily, and affordably. That’s what we’re going to talk about today; and, near the end, I’ll introduce you to the wonderful chiropractor who taught me about it.

Note: sometimes, I hear people use the terms ShockWave or StemWave when referring to SoftWave Therapies. Shock wave technology has been around for many years, but there are more recent innovations.

  • SoftWaveTRT (the company) provides a “next generation” tool by developing a better way to advance tissue healing and regeneration in the healthcare fields of orthopedics, traumatology, wound care, aesthetics, and urology.
  • SoftWave technology currently is used at leading national and international research, medical, and chiropractic centers.

When you see the equipment used and the process, you will know whether these terms are referring to the same technology. Next, let’s see how it is described on “The Doctors” tv show. Continue Reading →

Solfeggio Frequencies for Health

What AM I Talking About?!!!

Solfeggio Frequencies, according to Nature Healing Society, are musical notes based on the six-tone scale, using sol-fa syllables. Right away, we can get confused, because most of us are accustomed to the seven sounds associated with musical notes (called solmization). Furthermore, what has this got to do with creating or maintaining good health? You’ll have to read more to find out!

piano keys by andrewsbird for Solfeggio frequencies

  • In America, even children – or, perhaps, especially children – know the musical scale as being accompanied by the solfa syllables for each note: do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti.
  • In India, these are the commonly used syllables ṣa, ṛi, ga, ma, pa, dha, ni.

Girl holding up a skirt made of musical notes and holding a guitar by Victoria_Borodinova for Solfeggio frequencies


Pentatonic means “five-tone.” Equally useful, as an improvisational and compositional resource, is a six-note scale that simply adds one scale degree to the structure of major pentatonic. … In the key of E, that would be E, F# , G# , B, C# , and in the key of A, the notes are A, B, C# , E, F#.

illustration of hand holding a line of Solfeggio frequencies by Gerd Altmann

Regardless of the names given the notes or the syllables, each musical tone has specific vibrational frequencies, called Herz (abbreviated as Hz), and they can be used for healing and bringing the body/mind into healthful harmony.

Consequently, YouTube is now chock full of videos with varying Solfeggio Frequencies to address issues from relieving pain to the acquisition of abundance. Do they work? You must try some to see how they affect you.

Meanwhile, let’s see if we can become even more confused.

What Are the 7 Musical Notes?

Treble Clef Solfeggio Frequencies by Gordon Johnson

In the chromatic scale, there are 7 main musical notes called A, B, C, D, E, F, and G.

They each represent a different frequency or pitch. For example, the “middle” A note has a frequency of 440 Hz, and the “middle” B note has a frequency of 494 Hz.

And, Here is the List of the Six Main Solfeggio Frequencies per Nature Healing Society

There are six main solfeggio frequencies. They are:

  • The 396 Hz for liberating one from fear and guilt
  • The 417 Hz frequencies for facilitating change and undoing situations
  • The 528 Hz for miracles and transformations like DNA repair
  • The 639 Hz frequencies for relationships and reconnecting
  • The 741 Hz solfeggio frequencies for getting solutions and expressing themselves
  • The 852 Hz frequencies for returning one to a spiritual order
  • The 963 HZ solfeggio frequencies create room for oneness and unity.

And to Confuse Us Again, on YouTube, You Will Find Lists of NINE Major Solfeggio Healing Frequencies

Have new frequencies, with the capability of bringing the body/mind into good health and balance, been discovered?

Is it a marketing ploy?

I don’t know the answers.

What I do know is that experimenting with them is the best way to determine whether playing those videos will help you with any given issue.

Solfeggio Frequencies for Physical Pain Relief

woman with shoulder pain

The first thing I noticed is that the Hz for pain relief seems to be in the 174 range, which is NOT among the six listed above.

The “main six” seem to be more esoteric in nature than pragmatic and practical in terms of addressing physical issues on the physical plane of existence.

Of course, we know “As Above, So Below” is applicable, but that is a philosophical, metaphysical conversation that is separate from this blog conversation.

There is a series using the marimba for pain relief. I’ve included an example below. It is very quiet, calming, and makes wonderful background music while one works, meditates, or sleeps.

On the other hand, if you set aside quiet time in a quiet space and use these frequencies as if in meditation, they can be considerably more effective.

There are many more Solfeggionbfrequencies for pain relief, some of which are much more lively. Here is a link to help you find some of them on YouTube.

Solfeggio Frequencies for Sleep and Cell Rejuvenation

illustration of man sleeping by Mohamed Hassan

These offerings typically are in the 528 Hz range. Here is a link to give you a list of suggestions on YouTube.

I have randomly chosen one which purports to include all Nine Solfeggio frequencies, described as follows. (Note: if you click on the link to Inner Lotus Music below, it will take you to a page where you can find many more videos by this producer.)

Inner Lotus Music  242K subscribers   
All 9 Solfeggio Frequencies – played seamlessly one after the other – for a holistic healing, cell regeneration and Aura cleanse within one single track. Each frequency (also called a “Miracle Tone”) carries its very own specific benefits and can help your body and mind in many different ways. The music starts with 174Hz, known for its calming and relaxing qualities, and moves all the way up to the “Frequency of Gods”, 963Hz, associated with the pineal gland, the third eye and the crown chakra.

Solfeggio Frequencies for Clearing Negative Energy and Manifesting Abundance

Here is YouTube’s link where you can research and try various videos on these topics. Note, they generally are in the 417 Hz frequency range listed above (in the Big Six)  as working for facilitating change and undoing situations.

You Can Find Frequency Videos Advertised for Dogs!

Here is the YouTube link, but I’ve got a secret for you.

In my decades of experience as a holistic healer and pet owner, I know that animals respond to all the same frequencies as humans do, so you might not need something just for pets. When the videos use 528 Hz for animals, those are the same 528 Hz that work for humans, with one difference.

For example, it is easy to see the benefits of Reiki’s healing energy on animals. The primary difference between the effects on humans versus animals is that animals (especially small ones) absorb the energy quickly and without resistance. They need far less time spent than humans do to achieve the result.

Solfeggio Frequencies Are Just

One Source of Healing Energy Options

However, they’re among the most pleasant, as music is involved, and you don’t have to stop what you’re doing to benefit. I hope this has intrigued you to learn more and to give it a try!

contact us

You can reach me at most easily. Please put the topic in the subject line, so your email won’t get lost in the hundreds I get.

You may request a free, initial consultation on Zoom. We call it “Sip & Share” where we can determine how I might best help you or answer your questions. I’d love to talk with you!

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Let’s Get Well, Stay Well, and Live Well!

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Solfeggio Frequencies for Health

What AM I Talking About?!!!

Solfeggio Frequencies, according to Nature Healing Society, are musical notes based on the six-tone scale, using sol-fa syllables. Right away, we can get confused, because most of us are accustomed to the seven sounds associated with musical notes (called solmization). Furthermore, what has this got to do with creating or maintaining good health? You’ll have to read more to find out!

piano keys by andrewsbird for Solfeggio frequencies

  • In America, even children – or, perhaps, especially children – know the musical scale as being accompanied by the solfa syllables for each note: do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti.
  • In India, these are the commonly used syllables ṣa, ṛi, ga, ma, pa, dha, ni.

Girl holding up a skirt made of musical notes and holding a guitar by Victoria_Borodinova for Solfeggio frequencies


Pentatonic means “five-tone.” Equally useful, as an improvisational and compositional resource, is a six-note scale that simply adds one scale degree to the structure of major pentatonic. … In the key of E, that would be E, F# , G# , B, C# , and in the key of A, the notes are A, B, C# , E, F#.

illustration of hand holding a line of Solfeggio frequencies by Gerd Altmann

Regardless of the names given the notes or the syllables, each musical tone has specific vibrational frequencies, called Herz (abbreviated as Hz), and they can be used for healing and bringing the body/mind into healthful harmony.

Consequently, YouTube is now chock full of videos with varying Solfeggio Frequencies to address issues from relieving pain to the acquisition of abundance. Do they work? You must try some to see how they affect you.

Meanwhile, let’s see if we can become even more confused.

What Are the 7 Musical Notes?

Treble Clef Solfeggio Frequencies by Gordon Johnson

In the chromatic scale, there are 7 main musical notes called A, B, C, D, E, F, and G.

They each represent a different frequency or pitch. For example, the “middle” A note has a frequency of 440 Hz, and the “middle” B note has a frequency of 494 Hz.

And, Here is the List of the Six Main Solfeggio Frequencies per Nature Healing Society

There are six main solfeggio frequencies. They are:

  • The 396 Hz for liberating one from fear and guilt
  • The 417 Hz frequencies for facilitating change and undoing situations
  • The 528 Hz for miracles and transformations like DNA repair
  • The 639 Hz frequencies for relationships and reconnecting
  • The 741 Hz solfeggio frequencies for getting solutions and expressing themselves
  • The 852 Hz frequencies for returning one to a spiritual order
  • The 963 HZ solfeggio frequencies create room for oneness and unity.

And to Confuse Us Again, on YouTube, You Will Find Lists of NINE Major Solfeggio Healing Frequencies

Have new frequencies, with the capability of bringing the body/mind into good health and balance, been discovered?

Is it a marketing ploy?

I don’t know the answers.

What I do know is that experimenting with them is the best way to determine whether playing those videos will help you with any given issue.

Solfeggio Frequencies for Physical Pain Relief

woman with shoulder pain

The first thing I noticed is that the Hz for pain relief seems to be in the 174 range, which is NOT among the six listed above.

The “main six” seem to be more esoteric in nature than pragmatic and practical in terms of addressing physical issues on the physical plane of existence.

Of course, we know “As Above, So Below” is applicable, but that is a philosophical, metaphysical conversation that is separate from this blog conversation.

There is a series using the marimba for pain relief. I’ve included an example below. It is very quiet, calming, and makes wonderful background music while one works, meditates, or sleeps.

On the other hand, if you set aside quiet time in a quiet space and use these frequencies as if in meditation, they can be considerably more effective.

There are many more Solfeggionbfrequencies for pain relief, some of which are much more lively. Here is a link to help you find some of them on YouTube.

Solfeggio Frequencies for Sleep and Cell Rejuvenation

illustration of man sleeping by Mohamed Hassan

These offerings typically are in the 528 Hz range. Here is a link to give you a list of suggestions on YouTube.

I have randomly chosen one which purports to include all Nine Solfeggio frequencies, described as follows. (Note: if you click on the link to Inner Lotus Music below, it will take you to a page where you can find many more videos by this producer.)

Inner Lotus Music  242K subscribers   
All 9 Solfeggio Frequencies – played seamlessly one after the other – for a holistic healing, cell regeneration and Aura cleanse within one single track. Each frequency (also called a “Miracle Tone”) carries its very own specific benefits and can help your body and mind in many different ways. The music starts with 174Hz, known for its calming and relaxing qualities, and moves all the way up to the “Frequency of Gods”, 963Hz, associated with the pineal gland, the third eye and the crown chakra.

Solfeggio Frequencies for Clearing Negative Energy and Manifesting Abundance

Here is YouTube’s link where you can research and try various videos on these topics. Note, they generally are in the 417 Hz frequency range listed above (in the Big Six)  as working for facilitating change and undoing situations.

You Can Find Frequency Videos Advertised for Dogs!

Here is the YouTube link, but I’ve got a secret for you.

In my decades of experience as a holistic healer and pet owner, I know that animals respond to all the same frequencies as humans do, so you might not need something just for pets. When the videos use 528 Hz for animals, those are the same 528 Hz that work for humans, with one difference.

For example, it is easy to see the benefits of Reiki’s healing energy on animals. The primary difference between the effects on humans versus animals is that animals (especially small ones) absorb the energy quickly and without resistance. They need far less time spent than humans do to achieve the result.

Solfeggio Frequencies Are Just

One Source of Healing Energy Options

However, they’re among the most pleasant, as music is involved, and you don’t have to stop what you’re doing to benefit. I hope this has intrigued you to learn more and to give it a try!

contact us

You can reach me at most easily. Please put the topic in the subject line, so your email won’t get lost in the hundreds I get.

You may request a free, initial consultation on Zoom. We call it “Sip & Share” where we can determine how I might best help you or answer your questions. I’d love to talk with you!

Sip & Share Logo

Let’s Get Well, Stay Well, and Live Well!

logo for MPP and My Get Well Guru