Positive Intelligence ~ PQ Course

We're Highly Recommended by Locals on AlignablePositive Intelligence Quotient (aka PQ) –

I’ve started the Course!

What greater testimonial can one give than free and unsolicited praise?!

“The reason we feel anxious is because in the back of our minds we know that control is an illusion.”

—Shirzad Chamine

Cover of the book, Positive Intelligence by Shirzad Chamine

At the suggestion of one of my respected colleagues, Joan Yue, Ph. D., who is a personal coach and healer, I decided to register for Shirzad Chamine’s course on Positive Intelligence (PQ). You’re probably familiar with the term, IQ (an individual’s Intelligence Quotient as determined by tests used in our educational system).

You might also be aware of the concept of EQ, a person’s Emotional Intelligence Quotient. It is defined by Oxford Languages as “The capacity to be aware of, control, and express one’s emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically.”

How Is Positive Intelligence (PQ) Different?

PQ advocates contend that, while your IQ and EQ contribute to your maximum potential, it is your PQ that determines how much of that potential you achieve.

We often fail to manifest what we desire in life because there may be a war going on between our mind’s judgmental saboteurs and our higher wisdom’s ability to employ the perspective of a “Sage.” When following the PQ suggestions, the Sage can help us remove those negative judgments and substitute a constructive, peaceful way of overcoming the stress and negative consequences associated with tainted thinking and emotional responses.

video icon pointing to link for Life Coach  Let’s listen to Shirzad’s description in a lecture he presented in Talks at Google.

Positive Intelligence (PQ) is the name of Shirzad Chamine’s New York Times best-selling book. It’s also the name of his method that we all can use for measuring our Mental Fitness (MF).

MF includes rebounding quickly from negativity (emotions or circumstances) and substituting positive, constructive techniques for creating more harmonious or successful outcomes.

Our PQ indicates how quickly we recover from counterproductive to positive responses to challenges. The classes teach ways in which to do it faster, more consistently, and with health benefits to our minds/bodies/spirits/and emotions.

The following is information about him, as well as a way in which you can register through a certified trainer, who may be able to offer a discounted price. (No, I don’t get paid for writing this blog.) Continue Reading →

Advice – I Wish I Had Heeded

We're Highly Recommended by Locals on AlignableADVICE – FREE OR OTHERWISE

What Is The Most Important Advice You’ve Ever Received?

yellowed sheet music and a faded rose

When I was a teenager,

a petite and sweet,

gray-haired church choir director

semi-smiled wistfully,

brandished her baton in my direction,

and told me to remember this.

What You Don’t Use, You Lose!

At the time, I did not realize that this important advice applied to

EVERYTHING! Continue Reading →