Serenity Prayer as Affirmations

pink lotus flower by Zhu Bing symbol of serenity

Serenity ~

Serenity can be elusive. It’s something most of us seek amidst all the chaos, disruption, danger, and negativity being experienced throughout the world. To regain balance when under stress, EVERYONE can do one thing quickly, easily, and either aloud or without anyone else’s knowledge. It is using a version of the famous “Serenity Prayer.” I say, “a version,” because…

bronze praying hands by Alexas Fotos used for Serenity Prayer…There are prayers, and there are affirmations, but even the famous “Serenity Prayer” is not a combination of both. Nor should a person change everything that CAN be changed. So – I decided to fix that.

In the form of an affirmation, the language should be even more powerful as a message to the subconscious mind, better-enabling people to manifest serenity as a state of being.

I’ll provide you free access to my version in a hot minute! You don’t have to subscribe to my blogs here to get it; but, if you choose to, I’ll greatly appreciate you! I promise not to inundate you with sales junk. Thank you for your subscription!a bright pink carnation with a Thank You card as a place setter on a table

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BBM Global Network

Who Knew There is a BBM Global Network! This link is to new radio shows put on by my NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) Master Teacher, Dr. Yvonne Oswald. However, it also might interest you, because this BBM Global Network might let you have an on-air show, too. Check it out, if you’re interested and let me know how it worked out for you!

The Dr. Yvonne Breakthrough Show

A View of NLP

First, The methods of neuro-linguistic programming are the specific techniques used to perform and teach neuro-linguistic programming, a pseudoscience[1][2] which teaches that people are only able to perceive a small part of the world using their conscious awareness, and that this view of the world is filtered by experience, beliefs, values, assumptions, and biological sensory systems. NLP argues that people act and feel based on their perception of the world rather than the real world.

How To Create  Effective Intentions and Affirmations

Even if you don’t want a radio show, we’ll be demonstrating some NLP principles in my next class on “How To Create  Effective Intentions and Affirmations.” This may be converted to an on-line course, but, if you’re available to come to the Manassas, VA location, I hope you’ll join us. There will be several people in attendance. They just don’t use Meetup, so you don’t see them here. Contact me at and put “Class on Effective Affirmations” in the subject line. If a class is not already scheduled, we can arrange a new one for you or  your group.

My Classes or Coaching Sessions

(Separate from the BBM Global Network)

  1. To start using NLP principles in our language, we’re going to review some basic principles for setting intentions and creating affirmations first.
  2. Afterward, we shall create some of our own affirmations and try them out on each other to make sure they are worded in a way to create the desired effect.
  3. Rev. 4-18-21: at this juncture, we’re still in COVID-19 Pandemic mode, following the guidelines of the CDC and WHO. Thus, I am holding classes online via Zoom. You can book a private coaching session or a class on this topic (or on a variety of topics) for yourself or for a group.
  4. I also use the NLP principles in creating off-the-shelf and for customized HypnoMeditations for you.


pay on line for wellness servicesZelle logo for electronic payments for HypnoMeditationslaptop with PayPal screen for Sip & Share




The easiest way to ensure a seat in any class is to pay online via Zelle or PayPal. (Zelle is used by many banks to transfer money from your debit or credit account without the kinds of fees that PayPal charges.)

You may pay here or at the door by cash or check (payable to My Persuasive Presentations), but we must have your RSVP in advance, because seating is limited, and the materials have to be printed.

Typically, sessions cost $60 each, unless the client puts me on retainer, in which case they may qualify to be a VIP Client with a reduced rate of $50 per session and a rise to high priority scheduling. The preferred method of payment is by Zelle or PayPal.

To see how pricing works on the BBM Global Network,

Contact Me

I’ll be glad to answer any questions you have as we get started, so email me, if you would like more information about a topic or if you would like to host one of my sessions in a different location. Send your email, with the Subject Line: “Inquiry re NLP” to or leave a message at 540-636-4311.

Let’s Get Well, Stay Well, and Live Well!


HypnoBirthing Classes

What is HypnoBirthing and Where Can You Take HypnoBirthing Classes for Yourself or to Become Certified?

Hypnotherapy in childbirth refers to the use of hypnotherapy to assist in the birthing process. This practice, known as hypnobirthing, functions on the premise that most labour-related pain is the result of fear and tension, which can be diminished[1] or anecdotally eliminated with hypnotherapy. Research into this practice has found reductions in pain during birthing,[1][2]Hypnobirthing may also impact the duration of labour and reduces surgical interventions during delivery.[3]

Sarojin Alva

Sarojini (Sara)

It happens that one of the best (world-renown) teachers of this form of natural birthing is my Master Transpersonal Hypnotherapy teacher, Sarojini (Sara) Alva, who lives in Northern Virginia, and she is offering some new classes for certification. See her message below. When I was her student, I found her loving nature and thorough knowledge, combined with her vast experience, to be wonderful for learning well in a very warm, relaxed environment. I hope you will talk with her about these and others of her classes! Continue Reading →

Intro to Holistic Healing

What the Heck IS “Holistic Healing?”

To answer that, I’m providing a 4-hour seminar

Intro to Holistic Healing

Let’s talk about my Intro to Holistic Healing! For registration details, go to The Fairfax Spirituality & Metaphysics GroupFairfax Metaphysics and Spirituality Group  or register NOW directly with our lovely hostess Reverend Marti Giese – or by calling her at (703) 369-2606.

This intensive Intro to Holistic Healing seminar describes several different kinds of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) techniques in a broad overview. Topics include everything from specific nutrition and exercise regimens to acupuncture, Reiki, essential oils, chi machine (aerobic exerciser), drinkable clay, herbs, and more. Participants will receive extensive notes and an opportunity to suggest which of the subjects  they would like to explore further in classes specifically designed for those topics.

Sorry for the short notice about Intro to Holistic Healing; but I just got permission to put it onto this Meetup site, so I want to share the info with you, in case you live near Prince William Parkway in Manassas, which houses the beautiful venue where I’ll be teaching. Cost $40*, payable at the door.

*Because of extensive preparation and printing costs, refunds are not available for this class.

I hope to see you there and/or at future classes, which I’ll be presenting this year!

Let’s Get Well, Stay Well, and Live Well!

Basic Meditation




I love Wikipedia for research! Here is part of their definition of meditation.

“…meditation refers to a … variety of practices … to promote relaxation, build internal energy or life force (qi, ki, prana, etc.) and develop compassion, love, patience, generosity and forgiveness …(and) to enable its practitioner to enjoy an indestructible sense of well-being while engaging in any life activity



Swamiji Chinmayananda

Swamiji Chinmayananda

One of my favorite teachers was Swamiji Chinmayananda(an investigative reporter turned Himalayan monk).  He used to say meditating is like riding a stationary bike in your home. “You know all along you’re not going anywhere. It’s the practice that counts.”

To paraphrase Shirley MacLaine, every time you stare at a candle flame, a sunset, waves of the ocean, or a fire in the hearth, you are meditating. Other people call it “zoning out.”

Fire and Ice Sunset on Frozen Shores

We all do it; we just don’t call it meditation. We can benefit more by doing it consciously and daily, even if only for a few minutes. Continue Reading →

Classes – Wellness


Classes – Wellness – Complementary & Alternative Medicine (CAM)

Holistic Healing / Natural Remedies

All You Need To Know … As An Introduction

As Above, So Below

As Above, So Below

As a certified practitioner of several Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) and wellness  modalities, I teach Introductory classes, which explain the concepts involved.  So, if you have ever heard the term “holistic healing,”  “Complementary and Alternative Medicine,” or “CAM,” and you wondered what the heck that means, these wellness classes provide the answers for natural ways of healing yourself – meaning non-synthetic, non-pharmaceutical, and non-surgical ways of increasing your health. 

The critical thing is to penetrate the cause, not just the symptoms, of whatever the dis-ease expression is.  That involves the mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of a person, as relates to his or her physical manifestations of balance and imbalance: thus, the expression, “As Above, So Below,” but without specific religious connotations.  I have worked successfully with people of many faiths and with some who had no religious philosophies.  I also have worked successfully with many animals, and it is pretty safe to say that they had no religious beliefs of any recognizable kind.  The treatments still worked.

Because there is a lot of experiential evidence (about the efficacy of things, like acupuncture) that was not obtained via traditional Western scientific study methods, I disagree with some of Wikipedia’s conclusions. Still, see what it offers for the (partial) definition of some of these terms, as follows:

Alternative medicine is any practice that is put forward as having the healing effects of medicine, but is not founded on evidence gathered using the scientific method.[1] It consists of a wide range of health care practices, products and therapies.[2] Examples include new and traditional medicine practices such as homeopathy, naturopathy, chiropractic, energy medicine, various forms of acupuncture, Traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic medicine, and Christian faith healing. The treatments are those that are not part of the conventional, science-based healthcare system,[3][4][5][6] and are not backed by scientific evidence. Complementary medicine is alternative medicine used together with conventional medical treatment in a belief, not proven by using scientific methods, that it “complements” the treatment.[n 1][1][8][9] CAM is the abbreviation for Complementary and alternative medicine.[10][11] Integrative medicine (or integrative health) is the combination of the practices and methods of alternative medicine with conventional medicine.[12]

Even the National Institutes   of Health recognizes some of the CAM modalities.  One source for learning more about Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine is the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), a division of the United States National Library of Medicine (NLM) at the National Institutes of Health. Articles are available from PubMed and PubMed Central.[5]  Click here for more info.

Classes – Wellness


Red Rose

Did you know that ROSES have enormous healing powers?  Imagine what else you will learn!

This particular class is a four hour seminar (with breaks and snacks); but it can be an all-day seminar, too. See list of topics below. The cost is determined by number of participants, commute time and distance, etc.

In this class on wellness, we shall discuss topics, such as:

Why Anything Works = Energy!

Who and What Can Be Healed

Categories of Holistic Approaches – ingestants, physical manipulation, energy work

Some Principles, Ethics and Theory

Thoughts Are Things – how we create wellness and dis-ease through thought patterns

Sources of Messages – Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, etc.

Causes of Dis-Ease

Body as Messenger – where it hurts is a clue for healing

Correspondences – Chakras / Colors / Notes on Scale

Cleansing and Protection – cleansing not only the body, but the aura

What Happens During Healing sessions and afterward.

The only complaint I’ve ever gotten about this class (and about my other metaphysics and meditation classes) is that the students wanted the class to be longer! 

They even said this when the class was four hours long!  So, you can see we had fun and learned a lot.  The highest compliment I got recently was that not a single person even looked at his/her cell phone during the entire class!  YEA!  Contact me.  You’ll love it, too!

How To Book Me For Classes – Wellness

I do hope you and your friends will schedule a class with me.  Get in touch, using the contact form below, by email (getwellstaywelll at, or by leaving a voice mail message at (540) 636-4311 to arrange it.

Some classes can be customized to your needs. I plan to offer wellness classes as webinars + videos on CAM topics and more in the future.  Follow me to find out when and stay tuned!

Let’s Get Well, Stay Well and Live Well!

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Classes – Affirmations, Visualization, and Meditation

Do You Know the Differences Among

Affirmations, Visualization, and Meditation?

Want to Take Some Classes?

zen scene w bamboo, black rocks, purple orchid, white candles and a folded white towel

You can book me to teach several classes about affirmations, visualization, meditation,  metaphysics, and a bunch of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) techniques.

I also teach about, small garden design and several other unrelated professional, personal, and spiritual growth topics. Watch for blogs about these, or contact me, and discover more topics in 1/2 day workshops, 2-hour, or 1-hour presentations.



Customized Meditations To Suit Your Needs

I create these meditation classes for beginners or for people who already know the basics.  They are composed of lengthy meditations, groups of shorter meditations, or whatever suits the purpose of your gathering. I can present the session in person or as a teleconference. The meditations may include affirmations, self-hypnosis suggestions that you like, and, typically, they utilize creative visualization images.

Talk with me about my version of “The Middle Pillar Meditation,” which is enormously healing. I used it successfully after having “flunked a mammogram” (to quote myself). It started as a scary experience! However, all turned out well when the doctor gave me a second round of tests three days later! (Note: Israel Regardie created the original meditation in the early 1900’s.)

Introduction to Affirmations, Creative Visualization, and Meditation

(a demonstration of differences and similarities)

Spa dark backgroundIn the Introduction to Affirmations, Creative Visualization, and Meditation class, we’ll discuss subtle differences and similarities.

I’ll provide an overview of several kinds of meditation and creative visualization techniques, focusing on positive thinking and attitudes.

We’ll discuss the correct ways in which to use language to accomplish the desired results when creating affirmations.

Depending on the length of the sessions you choose, we’ll approach it as a seminar or make time for participants to practice.

We’ll talk about myths, brain wave frequencies, motivation, obstacles, postures, breathing, and more.

I’ll provide examples to demonstrate and handouts to refresh your memory when you try it at home.

Beige colors of Sand swirls + stacked rocksIn the meantime, to help you decide if you want to schedule a class with me, here are the definitions from Wikipedia to describe the three areas we will explore.


Affirmation is a declaration that something is true. Specifically, it may refer to:….Affirmations (New Age), the practice of positive thinking in New Age terminology http://


Creative visualization….refers to the practice of seeking to affect the outer world by changing one’s thoughts and expectations


Meditation is a practice in which an individual trains the mind or induces a mode of consciousness, either to realize some benefit[1] or as an end in itself.


Here is a testimonial for this class from Celestino, a life-long learner, on October 19, 2012.  Later, I can post some more, but I have other priorities right now.  :)

“I first met Nancy as a student in a class she gave on Creativity Visualization. The class was amazing for its comprehensiveness and summary of various concepts in this field of spiritually. Since this first encounter, I have sought out Nancy’s advice. Nancy has provided excellent advice in a most professional manner. I have come to respect and value Nancy’s advice and counsel.”Meditation

The only complaint I’ve ever gotten about this class (and about my other metaphysics and holistic healing classes) is that the students wanted the class to be longer! 

woman talking on cell phoneStudents of all ages even said this when the class was four hours long!  So, you can see we had fun and learned a lot.  Here is the highest compliment I got in all my recent classes. Not a single person even looked at his/her cell phone during the entire class!  Can you believe it? Shocking! YEA!

Contact me.  You’ll love it, too!

Let’s Get Well, Stay Well, and Live Well!

Emotional Freedom Technique – Tapping

Tapping (EFT) Coming Soon!


Tapping  = The  Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

Hello, People!

Are you familiar with the “Tapping” (Emotional Freedom Technique –  EFT)  phenomenon?  This is a semi-miraculous, ritualized, way of “tapping” with your fingers on acupressure points on your body, while speaking about topics that have caused issues for you in areas such as health, financial circumstances, emotional pain, or some other theme.

For a more formal definition, here’s one from the ever-present Wikipedia:  “Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is a form of counseling intervention that draws on various theories of alternative medicine including acupuncture, neuro-linguistic programming, energy medicine, and Thought Field Therapy.  During an EFT session, the client will focus on a specific issue while tapping on “end points of the body’s energy meridians.”

The EFT Tapping Process   For those of you who are unfamiliar, here are the steps.  First, you identify the concern and pay concentrated attention to the sensations that arise, as your mind thinks about the issue and the emotions begin to be expressed in the body.  You might feel tightness, fear, pain, or any number of things.  As you experience whatever the body is communicating to you, you acknowledge it and assign it a number – between 1 and 10 – to describe the intensity of those feelings as you think about the problem.

You then state (usually aloud) that – in spite of this difficulty – you love and approve of yourself.  You do this three times, while tapping on the appropriate acupressure point.  (In this case, it is called the karate chop point.)  After that portion of the technique Is done, you go through a series of tapping points, using different words to overcome the feelings associated with that issue.  During the process, you stop periodically, to “check in” with your body and see if the sensations have changed.  You then re-assign a number between 1 and 10, if the intensity has transformed.  Often the number has gone from 10 to a very low number or to 0 after just a few minutes of this exercise; and the issue becomes resolved.

SOUNDS CUCKOO, DOESN’T IT?!!  But, guess what!  IT WORKS

Here is a link where you can learn much more and get testimonials about how great it is:

So, why am I blogging about Tapping / EFT?  The answer is……..drum roll, please……..because I often do not like the words I hear being used to resolve the issues.  I think  the words – which are creating a new reality for you – need to be carefully chosen, so as to create the most healthful outcomes: mental, physical, and spiritual.

Consequently, I have decided to create some” tapping scripts on a wide variety of subjects.”  I’ll give a good sample on the website for free; and, if you like the sample, you can get more on my upcoming 8 For 8 program.  (Under many of my posts, I’ll be offering 8 something or others for $8…. In this case, 8 carefully crafted and tested scripts for $8.  Another example would be 8 short speeches (like wedding or retirement toasts) for $8).  So, stay tuned.  Tapping Scripts will soon be available and will focus on abundance, health resolutions, overcoming broken hearts or loss of loved ones, and more!    If you are interested, be sure to send me your name and email address; or, sign up when that opt in segment is added to my new website

Let’s Get Well, Stay Well, and Live Well!